10 Best Workouts for Weight Loss

If your goal is to get fit, to feel great, to be healthy and to lose weight, you have to exercise.

Exercising is the best way to build muscles and burn calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you'll drop pounds.

There are many workouts to lose weight, but the type of workout you do depends on your ability, equipment available and what injuries you have.

Here are 10 best workouts for weight loss.

1. Walking

Walking for weight loss

Walking is a whole body workout. When you're walking, your feet, ankles, hips and the upper body is moving as well. Your arms also swing along with the rest of your body.

Walking has minimal impact on your bones and joints so you can get better long-term health and suffer fewer injuries than vigorous exercises.

2. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope for weight loss

Jumping Rope gives you a full body workout and is one of the most effective cardio workouts. Jumping rope actually burns more calories in comparison to running. It is known to burn around 1300 calories per hour.

Jumping rope can be done anytime and anywhere, you can pick up your rope and go to a park or at home. It will enhance your cardiovascular fitness, lung power, coordination and endurance.

If you’re short on time but still want a killer workout, jumping rope is your answer.

3. Cycling

Cycling for weight loss

Cycling is one the most effective workouts to lose weight. It not only helps burn calories but also good for your heart, blood vessels and lungs.

Cycling can help shed pounds quickly. You will burn between 450 to 750 calories per hour cycling.

4. Swimming

Swimming for weight loss

Swimming is one of the biggest calorie burners that safe and effective for people of all ages because it’s low impact. It gives you a total-body workout that will work all of your major muscle groups, your heart and lungs work hard to supply them all with oxygen.

Swimming will improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Stair Workouts

Stair workouts for weight loss

Stair workouts are a great option to improve fitness and overall health. Stair Workouts can be done on any staircase and don’t cost a thing. Running up stairs engages more leg muscles than running and improves vertical jump. Running up stairs burns 953 calories per hour so you can shed a few pounds quickly.

6. Kickboxing

Kickboxing for weight loss

Kickboxing is a killer workout for weight loss that can burn upwards of 700 calories in an hour.
Kickboxing workouts are available online, so you don’t have to join a gym to try it out.
Once you get a few basic moves down, you’ll shed pounds in no time.

7. Squats

Squats for weight loss

Squats are one of the best body-weight workouts for weight loss. Not only do they shape your butt and legs, they also strengthen your core and entire lower body.
Squats help you gain muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be.
As leg are the biggest muscle group in our body and training them has a major role in weight loss.

8. Running

Running for weight loss

Running is an effective workout for weight loss. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves your overall health.

If you can afford a pair of sneakers then you can run. Running works your glutes and legs, which are two of your body's biggest muscle groups.
Moreover, after running, you will continue to burn calories over the rest of the day.

9. Planks

Planks for weight loss

Planks are exercises for core strengthening, as they engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
Not only do they strengthen your stomach and back muscles, they also strengthen your biceps, neck, and shoulder muscles.

10. Weight Training

Weight Training for weight loss

Weight training is an effective workout to help build muscle and burn fat.
Muscle is using more energy than fat. After a weight-training workout, you’re burning calories afterward too.

Final Thoughts

Almost any workout may feel hard at first, but with some practice and consistency, you'll get one step closer to your goal weight and you may even start to like it.

After you reach your weight loss goal, regular exercise will help maintain your weight.

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